Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Pectus Surgery - 3 Week Post Op appointment

Today, we had a post op appointment with Dr. Garcia.

He says Thomas is doing great!   I can't agree more.  He is still in pain, but mainly when he does too much.   He is only taking a mild muscle relaxer and regular doses of Ibuprofen as needed. 
He has had 1 Oxycodone and  1 Valium since the day we came home from Cincinnati.  That was only because he did too much the day before and woke up in extra pain.

They removed his remaining steri strips, took after pictures, and watched his range of movement.   
The Dr. was impressed.  

If you ask Thomas, he is not sure if the results were worth the pain at this point.   He had asymmetrical pectus.  This means that one side of his rib cage was more sunken that the other.  So when you put bars in to help expand the rib cage.   You push out the unevenness.   The bars cannot be made asymmetrical too.   That would be to difficult for the surgeon to place safely.  (IF I am understanding this correctly.)

So...he does still have some sunken places in his chest.   Dr. Garcia says that some of that could change since he is young.  His bones are more flexible, and he has more growing to do.

Thomas also hunches over some.  This is typical of pectus itself.   But now with the surgery, he has to learn to use better posture.   Unfortunately, we cannot work on that until his restrictions are lifted at 3 months.  Then there will be stretches and other things to help.

Overall, I am pleased.   I know his major organs have more room to do what they are supposed to do.   If the  now mild dents never go away, that's okay.   No one is perfect.  But the fact that he will be able to breath and his heart will have room to beat normally-- That makes it worth it!

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Pectus Surgery - 3 Week Post Op appointment

Today, we had a post op appointment with Dr. Garcia. He says Thomas is doing great!   I can't agree more.  He is still in pain, but...